Other Organs
EUS is also being used to investigate other organs of the body.
Anal Sphincter
Specialized probes have been used to do EUS for investigating anal
sphincter function. They have been particularly useful in demonstrating rectal tears, scars
or fissures that could not be diagnosed by other methods.
The aorta, the major artery of the body, can be seen quite well with EUS. It can therefore be
used to evaluate whether there are any defects inside the aorta such as tumors (sarcomas, etc.),
calcifications, clots, or even an aneurysm.
Parts of the kidneys can be seen when EUS is used in the stomach and small bowel, enabling its use in investigating whether there are any focal tumors, cysts or stones in the kidney. However, the kidneys are
usually evaluated with other tests designed specifically for them, such as a renal sonogram, scan or
intravenous pyelogram.
Parts of the liver can be seen, quite well when EUS is used in the stomach and small bowel. EUS can
therefore be used to investigate whether there are any focal tumors, cysts or scar tissue,
which may require EUS guided FNA. Because EUS can find lesions that are less than 1 to 2 cm,
it can find metastatic tumors that cannot be seen on other imaging tests such as
CT or MRI.
In patients with lung cancer EUS has proven very useful in determining whether lymph nodes in the
chest are malignant or benign. This is determined mainly by
performing fine needle aspiration (FNA) of these lymph nodes with EUS guidance.
Two other methods of obtaining biopsies of these lymph nodes are mediastinoscopy and thoracoscopy.
However, these must be done in the operating room and are therefore riskier.
EUS with FNA of lymph nodes in the mediastinum has also been used to diagnose sarcoidosis
and other benign conditions.
The spleen can be imaged from the stomach with EUS. EUS can therefore be used to investigate
whether there are any focal tumors or suspicious areas which may require EUS guided FNA.
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