How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! My testimony of the trial that truly turned into a blessing through the people God placed to help me during this trying time.
Where do I begin to tell you how God led me through this most difficult storm? It all started in June, 1994, with a spot of blood. A colonoscopy and all other tests were negative. After a business trip in January of 1995, I was incorrectly diagnosed with blastocystic hominis, and prescribed an antibiotic which my pharmacist told me was toxic at the dose I was given, after I had already been taking it for three weeks. A prominent New York infectious disease doctor performed a sigmoidoscopy on me.
Several severe spasm attacks made me feel like I was dying. No primary care doctor took me seriously until blood poured out of me, and then I was admitted to the hospital.
Dr. Max Sung, an oncologist at Mt. Sinai, then referred me to Dr. Snady. I wondered how good he could be. But Dr. Sung was not only brilliant himself, he also knew other doctors in his field that were on the cutting edge of new technologies. I decided to go. The moment I entered into Dr. Snady's office I knew he was a gift sent from above. I felt so comfortable in his personal setting touched by fresh flowers and true elegance. You see, I am a designer, and an environment created with wisdom is important to me.
From the minute I sat down to give Dr. Snady the facts of my situation, he listened implicitly. He then reassured me that with his equipment he could precisely evaluate my tumor without cutting me! A pure miracle! He proceeded with the test that day. It was truly amazing how knowing the precise position and size would be the deciding factor in my treatment, and then how gauging the reduction in size during treatment would allow us to see exactly how my tumor was responding.
After fifteen 24-hour intravenous chemotherapy sessions, 5,740 rads of radiation and over 100 pounds of medical files, on December 14, 1995, Dr. Harry Snady revealed to me that the tumor was gone. What heavenly words - said to me by a doctor sent to me by God. He is not only full of wisdom, brilliant, medically savvy and on the cutting edge of technology, but also compassionate, kind, sensitive, and humorous. His strength to help others applies not only to those seen in his office and the hospital, but also to lobbying for colon cancer screening in Washington, D.C. I know I am truly blessed by this doctor's care, as well as by the care of his nurse and staff that goes beyond that of any doctor's office I have been in during this trial. I can call him at any time if I see any blood and he will see me that very day! I extend these words based on my admiration and respect for what a difference Dr. Snady has made in my life. My first GI doctor would have operated on me, and it would have resulted in a permanent colostomy. This doctor cuts through unnecessary medical and bureaucratic procedures and goes right to healing you with proven results. Thank you, Dr. Snady - I love you!
Angela Pontecorvo
Related Papers
by Dr. Snady
EUS: An Effective New Tool for GI Tumors
Improving the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
Role of EUS in Outcome of GI Diseases
Artifacts and Techniques of EUS